Our culture

GODACO firmly believes that the quality of its human resources is the key to success. Therefore, we invest significantly in our team, nurturing their professional skills and qualifications to unleash their full potential. We create a supportive working environment with competitive remuneration, modern facilities, and a friendly culture, ensuring the safety and well-being of our staff. We strive to make GODACO their second home, where they can dedicate themselves with long-term commitment.

Our culture


GODACO is deeply committed to ensuring the welfare and satisfaction of its employees. We believe that a well-rounded approach to remuneration is essential for fostering a fulfilling work environment. By prioritizing both the material and spiritual aspects of our employees' lives, we aim to create a work environment that inspires them to perform at their best and fosters long-term commitment and loyalty.
Reasonable Salary

Reasonable Salary

Good salary for high-expertise workers.
Holidays & New Year Bonuses

Holidays & New Year Bonuses

Bonuses of salary for Special Holidays & New Year based on performance evaluation.


Support for dormitory, meals, part-time


+ Bonus of 1,000,000 VND salary for new workers (working for full 02 months)

+ Bonus of 300,000 VND salary for new worker referrals (working for full 02 months)

+ Bonus of 350,000VND salary and petrol support for diligence



High promotion opportunities.
Union Organization

Union Organization

Ensuring worker’s rights, health, and family responsibilities.
Social Welfare

Social Welfare

Support for Social Insurance, Health Insurance and Unemployment Insurance.

Available Job Positions

No. Job Vacancies Workplace
01 Organization - administration Godaco An Phat Office Discover more
02 Designer Godaco An Phat Office Discover more
03 Sales Executive Godaco An Phat Office Discover more
04 Export Sales Staff Representative office in HCM city Discover more